Case Study: Performance Concerns Due to Anxiety

Location: Dar es Salaam
Problem: Performance concerns due to anxiety
Solution: EWP Support

A client called our hotline and requested to speak with our counselor looking for help with feelings of desperation, confusion, anxiety, nervousness, uncertainly, frustration and decreased confidence.

As a manager, she struggled to move past the anxious and worrying thoughts despite insight on the challenges COVID-19 has on her work and despite reassurances from her immediate supervisors regarding her work performance – which led her to feel
demoralized and disorganized.

During the sessions, the Counselor worked on identifying the unhelpful thoughts that were causing her anxiety and self-doubt and she was taught how to dispute/challenge this unhelpful thoughts. Later we worked on defining what results mean to her and gained insight on how her description was limited and this fed into her anxiety.

After working on these areas, she was able to look at the challenges she was facing with a more rational mood and focused on what she was able to control/influence. This led her to finding creative solutions to her current setback and is now less anxious and worried about things that are out of her control.