Performance with purpose

We offer a spectrum of employee well-being products and services aimed at improving employee effectiveness, productivity and purpose.

Customized services

Our experts are happy to learn about your wellbeing needs and design custom approach, tailored to your organization culture & demographics

Benchmark assessments

We conduct benchmark assessments including lifestyle screening, employee surveys, analysis of medical insurance utilization records for pre and post program assessment as a measurement of program impact.

Critical incidents and post trauma support

ImpactAfya is there to support institutions and individuals who have recently faced trauma. While this can significantly affect your workplace morale and performance, we provide solutions to overcome trauma over time to build confidence.

Counselling services

Our Counsellors provide confidential psychosocial support to enable employees to stay more focused and productive at work.

Wellness coaching

Personalized individual coaching for on weight management, fitness and exercise, diet and nutrition and stress management.

Manager assist

Direct support to enable managers to face the unique challenges they face in their roles.

Life management support

We help manage work-life challenges through different phases of life.


We offer mindfulness programs to help manage stress and remain focused.

Learning events

Offered online or on site, our learning events are are designed to educate and motivate employees and managers to be proactive and effective in maintaining harmony between their work responsibilities and personal lives.

Wellness days

We organize Wellness Day programs customized to your industry and employee demographics.