Why Are Employee Wellbeing Programs Important?

Employees spend the bulk of their time in the workplace; hence implementing corporate wellness programs that are tailor-made to individuals are an effective way to educate employees on the benefits of creating healthy habits and committing to wellness goals.

Providing Employee Wellbeing programs that stretches beyond traditional wellness programs boosts healthy outcomes, such as increasing bottom lines, optimizing human talent, strengthening employee engagement, and ultimately giving organizations the competitive edge over others to attract and retain the top and best talent.

Benefits of Employee Wellbeing Programs

  • Improves Employee Health Behavior.
    • Enabling people to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle pattern.
  • Reduces Health Care Expenses.
    • Adoption of healthy behavior ultimately reduces health risks, which in turn leads to less chronic diseases.
  • Decreases Employee Absenteeism.
    • Organizations can experience reduced absenteeism due to employees not only having good health conditions but who can also manage their stress levels.
  • Improves Employee Productivity.
    • Poor productivity due to poor employee health is at least 2-3 times greater than direct health care costs.
    • Adopting healthy behaviors will eventually improve productivity.
  • Helpful in Employee Retention and Recruitment.
    • Organizations that offer wellness programs free of cost for its employees shows that they care about their employee’s well-being, and thus more likely to avail new recruitment.
    • Happier employees are more likely to remain in their jobs.