Effective communication can help you explain to your employees why you are doing a wellness program, – and more importantly, why that makes sense. Communicating about your wellness program is incredibly important and can truly make or break how effective your wellness program is.
It can be used to educate:
Fad diets and fitness trends are always changing. It is very difficult to know what is truly a healthy habit and how make healthy choices. Communication can help you extend beyond your specific wellness initiatives so your employees can make sustainable, healthy decisions.
It can be used to excite:
Wellness initiatives can be so much fun. But do your employees know that? By communicating about your wellness program, you can motivate employees to get involved and get excited.
It can be used to remind:
Your employees may be so focused on work, that they forget about the awesome wellness activities you have going on. Keep your wellness program top of the list by communicating as a reminder
When it comes to messaging:
Stay positive so that your employees do not feel threatened or overwhelmed. Positive messaging has been shown to lead to long-term change rather than short-lived efforts.
Be upbeat, so your employees can feed off your energy. Making healthy choices and developing a healthy lifestyle can be draining. Provide an energy boost via your words.
Remain encouraging so your employees feel support even if they are struggling. Creating a healthy lifestyle isn’t always easy. Be a partner and supporter on your employees’ journey.
When it comes to timing:
Communicate often so your employees can’t forget about the program. Don’t bombard them with an information overload, but don’t let them forget how great your corporate wellness program is.
Communicate strategically so your employees can easily see the benefits. Try to time up your wellness communication with specific events. For example, if you have a company party coming up, tell employees how your program can help with healthy eating choices.
When it comes to style:
Develop a wellness brand so your employees can get a consistent message. Make your program cohesive and well put together. When employees see your wellness communication they should know just what it is.
Develop communication materials that stand out. Wellness isn’t usually the most prominent thing in the workplace. Make what you have to say pop against the other, more typical work-related communication.
In the end, every company is different. Try different communication styles, messages and timing, so you can explain, education, excite and remind about corporate wellness in your workplace.